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Ireland in Paris – Archaeologists, tools at the ready

Ireland in Paris – Archaeologists, tools at the ready

In the context of our Irish theme for the year 2009, the Centre Culturel Irlandais (Irish Cultural Centre – CCI) was a must to discover the history of the Irish and their community in France and Paris. So, on Wednesday 11th March, ArkéoTopia® brought together its members and a few curious souls for an ArkéOdyssée on-site followed by a discussion at the Saint-Hilaire pub.

Association lifeOLD
ArkeoTopia exhibits

ArkeoTopia exhibits

Paris blocked by the strikes did not prevent the public, facing the cold of the immense structure sheltering the 6th Forum of Associations of Paris at the Champ de Mars, to visit the Culture Village where ArkeoTopia stand was located.

Not less than around hundred people stopped and asked for information, intrigued and interested by this new concept and the possibility of satisfying their curiosity of impassioned amateurs of archaeology.