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Ethics and archaeology

Ethics and archaeology

During the 17th meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) on September 15th, 2011 in Oslo, Dr. Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond, archaeologist, and Nathalie Maximin, a lawyer specialised in commercial law and contract law, presented "Ethics and archeology, between regulation and moral duty", the first results of one of the main work in the association project of ArkéoTopia®, an alternative way to archeology.

The ancient city of Mari in Syria, a restitution resulting from the intersection of architectural and archaeological sources
From plan to volume: a proposal for a methodology in computer science applied to archaeology

From plan to volume: a proposal for a methodology in computer science applied to archaeology

To develop the methodology in archeology, Prof. Margueron conducted an analysis crossing the work of architects and archaeologists. With computer knowledge of Dr. Gransard-Desmond and his intervention at the Red House at Mari site (Syria), a communication resulted from this « From plan to volume: the need for archaeological analysis in 3D modeling » at the Journées d'Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP) 2010.

High school student discovering careers and studies in 2008 at Paris
High school students deprived of humanitarian sciences

High school students deprived of humanitarian sciences

Time and again, the absence of humanitarian sciences
from “Science” mediation initiatives can be observed.

As part of its media watch brief, the Arkéotopia team chose to attend two film screenings at the 4th “Pariscience” Science Film Festival: A special screening of “Les Voies de la Science” (=Paths of Science) showcasing two L2i films-The Two Infinities by J-J Beineix (Cargo Films/ CNRS images) and Imagine your Future (Belleville Productions/ CEA) as well as the screening of Cherche toujours (=Always Search) by E. Chaillou and M. Théry (Arte France-les Films d’Ici).