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Who are we?

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Board of Trustees

Jean-Olivier Gransard-DesmondJean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond - President

  • PhD in Archaeology
  • Specialist in human-animal relations
  • Member of the EEA (European Association of Archaeologists)
  • President and co-founder of ArkéoTopia

You would like to know more about him. The communication service investigates and reveals ArkeoTopia's creation in this interview in French.

Christiane Angibous-Esnault - General Secretary

  • In charge of internal and external communication
  • Communications officer, Events specialist
  • General Secretary and Co-Founder of ArkéoTopia

A co-worker unlike others turned to archaeology after agrochemistry and the pharmaceutical industry. Discover how a post as communications officer can lead to getting involved in archaeology (in french) and find more about her on her personnal web site

Honorary Committee

Honorary Committee

Archeology is nothing like a collection of old stones and knowledge from another age. By answering questions that we rightfully ask ourselves about our human roots and our closest ancestors, archeological research today is responding to much wider issues.

Archeology can no longer work in isolation from the consequences of its work which have effects on today’s society. Its applications find justification and, have impact via their social aspects as well as economic, diplomatic and technological aspects in light of the political issues of tomorrow’s technologies and sustainable development.

Some European countries have already understood this, and ArkéoTopia® aims to follow their example and to carry some weight in tomorrow’s archeology by following both theoretical and applicative innovations, and by spreading these new ideas to the widest possible audience. The Honorary Committee’s members understand the role that ArkéoTopia wants to play and support its work. This work is nothing other than the action of an interest group made up of professionals, amateurs and ordinary citizens who are concerned about tomorrow’s society and would like to help to build it.
We thank them for their support.

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Brief Presentation of ArkeoTopia

Brief Presentation of ArkeoTopia

ArkeoTopia is a young non-profit organization under the French law of 1901. Its aim is to give another perspective to archaeology today non-in order to better help existing bodies prepare that of tomorrow. By welcoming and supporting professionals, students, and French and foreign amateurs in the field, and by helping to popularize archaeological research and to champion it, ArkeoTopia aims to be a supplementary tool to current research.

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The association’s objectives

  • flechd linked to a category of heritage
  • flechd linked to the world of research in archaeology and anthropology
  • flechd arts, sciences, humanities, economic life, popularization

Commentary on the association’s objectives
The non-profit organisation ArkeoTopia, based in Paris (France), was created on 21 May 2007. It works towards creating a fresh perspective on archaeological research. Its objectives can be summarized under two main branches: contact with archaeology students and researchers, and the creation of stronger links between the wider public and the sphere of archaeological research.